Posts Tagged“disability”

Get Your Due With Toronto Disability Lawyers

Doctors remain unsure why fibromyalgia develops in people, but they do know that it affects about 2% of the population, meaning it’s by no means uncommon. The diagnosis exists on a wide spectrum, from a nuisance to a debilitating disability that completely changes your quality of life. Most sufferers gradually experience a decline in active lifestyles, though to the detriment of their health, many attempt to ignore the diagnosis. It’s important that, if you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or you’ve suffered an injury such as whiplash that could lead to chronic pain, you take time to recover. Disability insurance gives…

How to Equip Your Home To Accommodate Disability

  If you have been struck down with a physical disability it will come as a huge shock to you and one which will take a long time to adjust to. It is important therefore that at your earliest possible convenience, you start to adapt the things around you to ensure that your new life will be made as easy as possible. One of the key places to start in this regard is around the home and it is important to understand that there are going to be many things which you simply cannot do as easily as you could…