Posts Tagged“energy”

Here’s Why You Need to Switch to Solar ASAP

Over the years, there’s been a change in the energy mix for the USA and the world. In 2020 alone 19GW of power generation capacity was added, with Q4 numbers still coming in. Some people may wonder: “Why switch to solar energy?” Given some technological challenges with the energy source, it isn’t a bad question. We’re going to cover some other options and why switching to solar could be the best choice we have. Keep reading to find out now! Contenders to Solar Energy While fossil fuels remain a popular choice for many reasons, support for this technology is diminishing…


You’ve probably seen the logo on windows, doors, appliances, and water heaters — and just about everything else in between — but there is a lot to know about the ENERGY STAR® certification. As a name synonymous with energy efficiency, ENERGY STAR® is known as a trusted source in North America and throughout the world. But what role does ENERGY STAR® actually play in making your home more energy-efficient? Windows And Doors When it comes to windows and doors for your home, there’s no substitute for products with an ENERGY STAR® certification. The benefits of new windows that have earned…

Top Tips on Increasing Your Daily Energy

Do you finish most days feeling exhausted? Struggle to get up in the morning? Feel tired in the middle of the day? If the answer to these questions is yes then it may be that you’re not doing the right things to maintain a healthy level of energy. Feeling energetic, or lacking energy comes down to a number of factors, physical and mental and the consequences of feeling low on energy are that you will be less efficient at performing daily tasks, have difficulty remembering things or have a lack of motivation to do things and go places. If you…