If you are taking business in college, you might be considering making marketing your major. If you are gifted at attracting the attention of others, this is a wise career path to pursue, as the difference between a profit and a loss can often be found in how a business distinguishes themselves from their competition.
In the past, Thomas Rollins Teaching has included courses that have helped many marketers learn the skills necessary to excel at this art and science of persuasion.
If you can’t afford to take this master level lesson yet, we will attempt to impart some of the core principles that every marketer should know about in the points below.
1) Your product has to be great
If the product that you are promoting is subpar, you will have a difficult task ahead of you. On the other hand, if you believe implicitly in the what it can achieve for your target market, the words and concepts that you will need to persuade your customers will flow easily.
Never hype a product that you would never purchase yourself, as the strategies you will end up using will come off as inauthentic to your target audience.
Conversely, if you choose to use a product regularly in your daily life, your own personal experience will supply you with no shortage of angles to promote it to other people.
2) Create a set of core operating principles – and stick to them
When you are promoting a product or a service, you need to have a distinct set of core principles underpinning your spiel, as it is these philosophies that will attract the market segment that you are after.
If your messaging is a confused mess, it will leave people shrugging their shoulders instead of taking the next step towards purchasing your product.
If you were marketing a top-of-the-line watch studded with diamonds, you would want to operate and present yourself in a way that would be congruent with success, luxury, and refined living.
By taking a painstaking approach towards your marketing efforts, you can begin to build a brand around the service or product you are promoting.
By sticking with consistent messaging from campaign to campaign, you will be attracting people that resonate with it day after day, week after week, month after month.
3) Don’t be afraid to spend some money
While current marketing dogma dictates that you should try to get as much free publicity for your product as possible, there are instances where you should be prepared to lay down some serious cash to get your message out to as many eyes and ears as possible.
Bootstrapping your marketing efforts is a pragmatic strategy to take when you are just getting started, but once you have established yourself, spending significant cash on an ad buy can help achieve tremendous results for an important client.
Booking a major win can only help you attract even bigger clients moving forward into the future, so when an opportunity to make a big splash presents itself, be bold and take the plunge.